Case Study: York House Case Study

Case study York House Case Study

Client: York House

Architects: De Metz Forbes Knight

Brick Type: Blue Smooth Brindle

Location: Islington

Sector: Commercial

Contractor: Islington

York House

Originally an anonymous, almost forbidding, seven-storey office block constructed in the 1980s, York House on Pentonville Road in Islington is being transformed into a contemporary, light-filled co-working space fit for 21st century use.

York House

De Metz Forbes Knight

Brick Type
Blue Smooth Brindle




• Blue Smooth Brindle

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The original building frontage was set back from the road, but the addition of a new five-story front extension introduces an attractive double-height entrance with offices above. Using similar engineering bricks to the main, original building, the new construction allows light to flood in through the use of structurally self-supporting perforated brick lattice, angled at 45 degrees to gain stiffness. A cross-laminated timber structure sits behind while openable windows allow fresh air to circulate.

At roof level, a new, cross-laminated timber structure, clad in a perforated zig-zag aluminium screen, echoes the front extension while softening the building edge.

The brick selected for the project was a Blue Brindle Smooth – a high quality smooth brick that closely matched the masonry of the original building. The complexity of the lattice work structure required special shapes of brick and perforation to allow visibility through the bricks at the right points. Working closely with the architect, it took the team nine months of developing and testing to get the strength of the product right. Three lengths of brick were produced and used in the construction of the extension: 215s were used in the building of the chevron parapet, 345s were used on the parapet and alongside the entrance, and 440s were used to create the latticework on the main entrance.

We are proud to announce that York House was highly commended at the 2019 Brick Awards in the Innovation category and is a great example of a collaborative approach with our customers.

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