Commons 73mm

Benefits of Commons 73mm

London Brick is an icon of the British Landscape. It has been used to build over five million homes, primarily in London and the Home Counties. The range includes a variety of colours and textures, from classic rustic red through to yellows and buffs. All of the bricks are available in the standard 65mm size with four also available in 73mm. The way London Brick is manufactured has changed little over the years, making brick matching for an extension or a home renovation project easy.

Forterra Common bricks are sold as “utility” bricks and comply to the properties declared. Common bricks are not sold as facing bricks and therefore may vary in colour and/or texture, and contain blemishes such as chipping, hairline cracks and crazing etc. To this end the imagery is for indicative purposes only.

Commons 73mm specifications

Manufactured To EN 771-1
Height 102.5 mm
Compressive Strength 25 N/mm²
Configuration Frogged 13-18% Voids
Dimensional Tolerance Range R1
Durability Rating F1
Water Absorption 23%
Textures Smooth
Width 215 mm
Depth 73 mm
Thermal Conductivity (λ10,dry) 0.53
Dimensional Tolerance Mean T1
Dry Weight 2.3 kg
Soluble Salts S2
Manufacture Type Pressed
Factory Kings Dyke

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